Embodied Living and Leadership
for Teams

Engage Your People. Elevate Your Profits.

We Facilitate Sustainable Transformation for Your Team

Traditional leadership training and team-building programs provide information, ideas, and temporary highs.

Under pressure, learned strategies often fade. Utilizing neuroscience-based, embodied practices, we empower your team to adopt a lasting mindset and behavior shift, enhancing productivity and better work-life balance.

Why Embodied Leadership?

A PowerPoint presentation or text in a manual will not inspire new actions or develop trust in our teams. To make sustainable improvements in our leadership, our teams, or our companies, we have to “embody” new ways of being, new conversations, and new actions. The way to achieve this is by learning holistically - through mind, body, and emotions.

Leadership Elevation Program

Our customized training solutions empowers leaders and teams to uplevel problem-solving, collaboration, performance under pressure, and the ability to recover quickly from challenges. Resilient organizations are agile, effective, and sustainable.

How it Works

Dynamic Group Meetings: 10 2-hour meetings held monthly

Executive Embodied Coaching: 10, 30-minutes individual 1:1 Coaching

Dynamic Curriculum: Essential Topics, Handling of Issues & Hands-on Exercises and Practices

Duration: 1-year Commitment

Year 1: Monthly Topics

Gaining Self Awareness as a Predictor of Success

Embodying Team Values

How Behaviors Affect Company Culture

How to Influence your Organization and Get Buy In

Confrontation ConversationsThat Bring Positive Outcomes
Aligned Goals (personal and professional)

Valuable One-on-One Meetings

Effective, Open Communication

Responding vs Reacting

Ownership Thinking and Acting

Year 2: Monthly Topics

Defining and Measuring Team and Organizational Success

Empathetic Listening as a Tool

Mobilize and Inspire Both Yourself and Others with Purposeful Action

Thinking and Acting into Results

Execution Roadmap

Effective Delegation

Limiting Beliefs

Culture by Design

Control your Attention, Control your Success!

Positive Accountability

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How is your coaching approach different from other coaching services?

Our coaching approach stands out through its emphasis on a humanized and tailored experience. We integrate mindset and body-oriented coaching for true, lasting transformation for clients personally and for their business. Most coaching frameworks focus on the thinking mind, ignoring what the body is trying to communicate. We offer a body-and-mind-as-one approach to coaching, often referred to as the bodymind, allowing us to see the whole picture of what's not working, what needs to change and most congruent steps forward. Because each bodymind is unique, we don't adhere to a one-size-fits-all model. Instead we meet you where you are and craft a personalized journey that aligns with your unique goals, challenges, and aspirations.

2. What is body-oriented coaching?

Body-oriented coaching is a holistic approach that encompasses the whole person - the body, brain, and heart - in the coaching journey. While traditional coaching methods often focus solely on mindset with goal-setting and thought reframing, body-oriented coaching recognizes the vital role of the body, brain, heart, and nervous system to create lasting, positive changes. If offers a new paradigm in our fast-paced world, fostering body awareness and deeper self-connection for renewed clarity, emotional resilience, physical well-being, and professional performance.

3. What can I expect from the initial coaching sessions?

Initial coaching sessions are focused on gaining a deeper understanding of your current situation, goals, and challenges. We collaborate to set clear objectives and outline a roadmap to achieve goals and track progress. These sessions are intended to establish a foundation for trust, ensuring that we move forward together aligned with your expectations and needs.

4. How long does a typical coaching engagement last, and what happens after that?

Our coaching engagements typically span a minimum of six consecutive months, offering a comprehensive and transformative experience. In our 10+ years of working we clients, we repeatedly see significant shifts occur around the six-month mark. After this period, many clients choose to continue with personalized coaching and group mastermind for even more profound transformations. We value consistent support in our coaching, ensuring that the progress made during the initial engagement lays a robust foundation for continued growth and success.

5. How do you measure success in coaching, and what if I don't see results immediately?

Success in coaching is measured by the progress you make toward your defined goals and the positive impact on your overall well-being. While some clients experience immediate breakthroughs, others may see progress unfold gradually. Our focus is on sustainable, long-term transformation, and we continually adjust our approach to meet your evolving needs. Patience and commitment are key, as lasting change often takes time, and we are dedicated to supporting you every step of the way.


Loveland, CO


(816) 582-6796

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